1 Kilometer walking or biking = 1 euro for MÉCÉNAT CHIRURGIE CARDIAQUE ENFANTS DU MONDE
Every year since 2021, TAKABIO teams have mobilized for MECENAT CHIRURGIE CARDIAQUE ENFANT DU MONDE.
In 2021, the teams walked and biked 12,000 km to raise the €12,000 needed to fund a child's heart surgery.
In 2022, the teams repeated the challenge, but doubled the distance. 26,000 km is the symbolic distance separating the various TAKABIO facilities around the world.
Goal 2022 achieved: TAKABIO teams actually walked or cycled 26,000 km.
26,000 km turned into 26,000 €. 2 heart surgeries were financed and 2 children's lives were saved.
Goal 2023: Once again, TAKABIO teams will be mobilized to fund 2 heart surgeries and save 2 children's lives
Go team, go !
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In 2021, SOFRILOIRE partner of TAKABIO took part in this challenge! The entire SOFRILOIRE team has completed the 20 km of Paris! Congratulations and thank you for their commitment!
Sofriloire team